Our Top Picks

Experience the peaceful trails of Karura Forest trail for leisurely walks or invigorating jogs surrounded by nature's beauty.
Challenge yourself with scenic running routes that offer tranquility and a refreshing escape from the city.
Never too young to learn. Visitors to Karura Forest can now hire a sturdy multi-speed trail bike to use on designated forest trails.
classroom Education
Engage in educational programs that explore the diverse ecosystems and environmental significance of Karura Forest.
Enhance your visit to Karura with our informative tour guiding services. Our trained guides will be eager to handle and engage your interests
dog-puppy Dog-walking
Dog-walking, especially in an urban environment is good exercise and pastime for both dogs and owners.
Indigenous Nursery
The FKF Nursery, located near Amani Garden adjacent to the River Café, nurtures nearly 100 000 indigenous seedlings...
Picnics in Karura may be enjoyed at one of the five designated picnic sites: KFEET, Amani Garden, Ruaka, Sigiria, and Karura Gardens.
Visitors to Karura Forest are welcome to use the tennis courts at the KFEET Centre — Daily from 07:00 to 17:00.

Amenities at Karura


We are dedicated to protect the City's Largest Green area, the Karura Forest Reserve, for future generations.

The Friends of Karura is a Community Forest Association comprising Kenyans and other champions of participatory forest management who are dedicated to protecting for future generations the city’s largest green area, the Karura Forest Reserve.

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Forest Reserve

  • Karura Forest, Nairobi

    Karura Video

    A documentary that emphasised not only the achievements of the Friends of Karura and the Kenya Forest Service over the decade, but also the beauty and tranquility that has resulted from those achievements.

  • Karura Forest, Nairobi

    How to get there

    You can drive, take a taxi, or use a Matatu. Matatus from Nairobi city centre to the Belgian Embassy on Limuru Road include numbers 11B, 106, 107, or 116 (southbound only). View an excellent Digital Matatu Map of Nairobi below

  • Available at Entrance

    Karura Forest Maps

    A full-colour detailed A-3 map produced by FKF and now on its 6th revision is for sale from entrances to the forest for a modest KES 200/=

  • Karura Forest, Nairobi

    Ecology: Climate & Soils, Plants & Animals

    Come explore the rich and diverse ecosystem of Karura Forest, where lush vegetation, intricate geology, and a wealth of wildlife create a captivating natural wonderland.

  • Karura Forest House & the KFEET Centre

    Karura Forest Photos

    A semi-permanent exhibition of photos by Karura Forest Photo Competition winners and Harvey Croze is hanging in Karura Forest House and the KFEET Centre. More photos may be seen from the link below. The images are for sale. Proceeds will go to Karura Forest conservation. 


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A Tale of Two Acacias

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